Saturday, June 23, 2012

King of the Lagoon Kiteboarding Competition 2012!

Last weekend was the annual King of the Lagoon kiteboarding competition at Soul Kite Boarding Center in Ras Sudr...

1st of all props to Morgan, Cat and everyone else for putting on such a cool event.... At least for me its not just about kite surfing but its about having another world to go to and relax with friends away from Cairo!

Killer event flyer by Amy E!

Besides going to our own little kiteboarding world, last weekend in particular was the perfect weekend for the event b\c there was a lot going on in Cairo/Egypt from the political stand point... The "rulers" of Egypt were going to decide if the parliament/constitution and such were going to be dissolved and if one of the presidential candidates was going to be disqualified. Lets just say there was plenty of potential for some bad things to happen... And if things are going to turn ugly wouldn't you rather be on the beach with friends kiteboarding instead of locked up in Cairo!!!

So of course me who always like to be prepared for the worst... Got together 3 jerry cans of extra fuel, passports, computers, hard drives and everything I absolutely needed in case we had to evacuate the country. Good thing about being in the Sinai peninsula in case we had to evacuate is that its easier to get out though the Sharm el-Sheikh airport then the Cairo airport, 2nd there is always the option of driving to Isreal or worst case we could theoretically kite board from Sinai to Jordan or Saudi Arabia!!!! :) OK OK... Maybe I am over reacting just a little...

So... Back to the event. There was 4 competitions during the weekend.

Big air: Who can jump and stay in the air the longest and land the jump. Stopwatch timed...
FreeStyle: Go out and do insane tricks! Person with the most points wins.
MasterGuru: Participants pick a trick they have been trying to do but have not accomplished before. They go out and have 15 minutes to try and pull it off. You do your trick, you are a Master Guru!
Down-winder: Start line is at a beach up wind and the finish line is 22km downwind at the Soul beach!

Right before the big air event I inflated my 12 square meter kite and found out it had a small leak... Luckily a good friend lent me one of his kites.... Wind was pretty good and some people were doing 5.2+ second jumps... I had some really nice long jumps but kept being to greedy and trying to stay up as long as possible meant I did not land any of the big ones.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Still Alive!!!!

Hello everyone.... Sorry for not posting much in the last few weeks/month or so.... Been all over the place and busy.... Most of all I had a hard drive failure. I was able to recover all the data but the drive was unstable so I have not installed all my photo editing software again... Good news is the new HD arrived last night from the US!

From the planning side I have been working a lot towards the 2013 trip and a trip later in the year back to South Africa!

Coming soon are pics of two weeks I spent in South Africa, a couple of Jeep and Motorcycle trips plus a kiteboarding weekend!

For the time being check out this album of pictures I took mostly with my iPhone... I was under the impression they were being uploaded to FB but turns out the sharing settings were messed up....

Fotos Never Seen Before.... Almost... <Link

Here is a preview of the full album of 200+ fotos!

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